Tomorrow’s the date for our next virtual event! It is free and open for all!
Författare: Johan Thelin
foss-north lightning talks online
This Sunday we ran the first virtual sessions of foss-north. First out were the lightning talks. This was for two reasons – it is the stress case for the infrastructure – and it is easier to find a group of lightning talk speakers one week earlier than to move the 1h talks.
First of all I want to say that the infrastructure worked very well! We have some rough edges to to take care of, but in general the technology worked.
You find the actual talks below. Following the links you find slides as well as recordings of the sessions.
foss-north 2020 virtual lightning talks
On Sunday March 22 foss-north 2020 will go virtual with a set of lightning talks. This will be the dress rehersal before the big virtual event March 29 – April 1. Join us and enjoy the fun!
foss-north postponed
It is with great regret that I have to announce that foss-north 2020 has been postponed due to the COVID-19 situation.
It will be replaced by a virtual event during the planned dates (March 30-31), and a physical event during the fall.
We regret any inconvenience that this causes our guests and sponsors. At the same time we appreciate the great support of our sponsors who unanimously support us in these difficult times.
Details will be shared at as we learn more.
foss-north 2020 Schedule
We have a provisional schedule for #fossnorth (still waiting for some speakers confirmations). Check it out here:
Slides from React
Last meet the foss-gbg group met at Edument who celebrated their 10 years birthday. We listened to two great talks about React held by David Waller and Marc Klefter. And we got cake – a first for foss-gbg :-).

You can download David’s slides from here. The code used by Marc in his talk can be downloaded from here.
Thank you everyone for attending and big thanks for David and Marc for their presentations. Next meeting will be foss-north 2020. See you there!
foss-gbg 2020-02: React
The next foss-gbg is arranged in collaboration with Edument. They are celebrating their 10th anniversary and want to do so by spreading their knowledge around React!

The talk will be held by two speakers: David and Marc.
React Architectural Patterns – David Waller
Join us in walking through a broad array of React architectural patterns! We’ll show problems and solutions for most concerns harrying the modern React developer. This includes topics like file organisation, error handling, providing dependencies, global state management, child component output, and more.
Data Fetching with Suspense – Marc Klefter
Suspense is poised to become the essential method for loading components’ asynchronous resources in the near future; this practically oriented talk will position you at the forefront of the latest developments in implementing better performant React applications.
Read more about the seminars –
As usual, participation is free of charge, but you need to reserve your seat. Get your ticket here:
2019-10: The Game Programming Event
Yesterday we met to learn about game programming. Anders Björklund started with a presentation on SpriteWorld – the project that got him into open source. You can find his slides here.

After that Johan Thelin did a live session showing Godot. He started in 2D and ended in VR. All the example code is available on his github, and the slides are here.

Again – big thank you to everyone who joined in – and big thank you to Unionen for the nice venue and food!
2019-11 och 12
It is finally time for the autumn season of foss-gbg to get going. This time we have to sessions lined up.
We begin on November 18 with a session of game programming using Godot.
Godot is an open source game engine allowing you to create both 2D and 3D games. During this evening Johan will demonstrate the basic concepts before diving into fun bits such as VR.
Johan has never worked as a game developer and is a master of so called ”programmer art”, i.e. he can write code, but not draw. During day time he works as a system architect for in-vehicle infotainment at Mbition, as well as a co-founder of the start-up studio Kuro Studio.

The host for the evening is Unionen. They kindly provide the venue as well as lighter food. You can get your tickets for the event here.
In December we continue with a meetup on the topic of Labgrid.
Labgrid is a embedded board control python library with a focus on testing, development and general automation. Labgrid exports a pytest plugin which abstracts the hardware specifics, based on a configuration file per board.
I’ve used Labgrid to automate flashing and testing of embedded boards, both as part of a CI loop but also for my everyday developer tasks. In this talk, I’ll make an overview of what Labgrid is and isn’t, how it can fit into the development flow and do some comparisons with other systems. There will be lots of examples and a demo!
Tobias is a software engineer that has ended up in the embedded Linux domain, working mostly with various Linux platforms using Yocto/OpenEmbedded with both automotive and industrial applications. A functional programmer at heart, most of the code he writes these days are C/C++ and various scripting snippets.
The venue for the event is kindly provided by Redpill-Linpro, who also contributes some lighter food. Get your tickets for the event here.
Frukostseminarium om Open Source
Setterwalls kör ett frukostseminarium om Open Source den 13/11. Mer information och registrering hittar du här: .
PS. Organiserar du events som kan vara av intresse för foss-gbgs medlemmar är du mer än välkommen att höra av dig så annonserar vi dem här.