The next foss-gbg is arranged in collaboration with Edument. They are celebrating their 10th anniversary and want to do so by spreading their knowledge around React!

The talk will be held by two speakers: David and Marc.
React Architectural Patterns – David Waller
Join us in walking through a broad array of React architectural patterns! We’ll show problems and solutions for most concerns harrying the modern React developer. This includes topics like file organisation, error handling, providing dependencies, global state management, child component output, and more.
Data Fetching with Suspense – Marc Klefter
Suspense is poised to become the essential method for loading components’ asynchronous resources in the near future; this practically oriented talk will position you at the forefront of the latest developments in implementing better performant React applications.
Read more about the seminars –
As usual, participation is free of charge, but you need to reserve your seat. Get your ticket here: