Välkomna till foss-gbg. Vi träffas klockan 17 den 14/4. Denna gång handlar det om öppen hårdvara i form av öppna CPUer.
The presentation will start with a bit of European (space) microprocessor history up to the current day, cover Cobham Gaisler’s business model and the use of open source on both the hardware and software side. The presentation will also provide an introduction on how to use the GRLIB IP library to build your own open source SoC designs that contain a processor, peripheral IP and communication interfaces, and end with some observations on how the European space industry now approaches open source as part of publicly funded programs.
Cobham Gaisler is a fab-less microprocessor vendor located in Göteborg. The main product is the LEON3 SPARC V8 microprocessor that as part of the GRLIB IP library allows users to build complete system-on-chip (SoC) design. Since its creation the LEON3 processor has been freely available as an open source IP core.
Talare är Jan Andersson. Director of Engineering. Jan joined Gaisler in 2006. He has worked with the LEON4 SPARC processor design and the Next Generation Microprocessor (NGMP, GR740) development with ESA. His day-to-day
responsibilities include execution of Cobham Gaisler’s development roadmap with focus on the GRLIB IP library.
Denna gång är det Semcon som står för lokal och enklare förtäring. Biljetter hittar ni som vanligt på eventbrite. Välkomna!